esmaspäev, juuli 06, 2009

Tsitaadirida jätkub

"Jutud sellest, nagu peaksime kuidagi suruma nurka neid inimesi, kes on oma elutöö teinud mujal kui laste sigitamisega, pole mitte niivõrd moraalselt rumal ja vastik etteheide, kuivõrd lihtsalt täielik lollus."

Ummelas, Mart. Inimlikkust ei või suruda paljunemise Prokrustese sängi.
20 aastat hiljem 06.07.2009

laupäev, juuli 04, 2009

Tsitaat vol. 2

"Still, it's the heaviest of all of these volumes, and thus, in hardback at least, could undoubtedly be used to stun a burglar; which has always been my definition of real art."

Neil Gaiman "The Sandman: The Kindly Ones"

kolmapäev, juuli 01, 2009


"On the cover of each SANDMAN issue the phrase "Suggested for Mature Readers" appears, and I'd argue that that doesn't mean it's full of gore, sex, and naughty words (although there are some of all those things, thank heavens); it means that if you're not old enough to chew this stuff for yourself, maybe you'd better go back to Spider-Man and the X-Men and the Fantastic Four a little longer. Otherwise you're going to be puzzled."

Stephen King in the introduction to "The Sandman: Worlds' End"